
ISTE 2016

I am so pumped to be headed to ISTE 2016 this year in Denver, Colorado. This will be the farthest west I've ever traveled and there is no conference more fun than ISTE. I have this huge list of people I want to reconnect with and an even longer list of people I want to meet face to face for the first time.

I've got a jam packed schedule at ISTE, but I'm hoping to squeeze a few fun things in there in addition to just "conference" things.

One of the first things I'm doing is heading out with my library rockstar peeps (Diana Rendina, Colleen Graves, Sherry Gick, and Elissa Malespina) to see SparkFun! And even better - we're taking  a big red bus!

MackinVIA Love [Booth #3132]

What kind of conference would it be if I didn't get the chance to share my love of MackinVIA? Stop by throughout the conference to hear from myself, Shannon Miller, Michelle Griffith, or Mesa Heise talk about the Transform Your Library Movement and how the FREE MackinVIA supports integrating digital tools into the curriculum. 

Low-Tech, No-Tech Makerspace [Sunday 7:00-8:30 Lobby D, Table 32]

First up, I'm doing a poster session in Lobby D from 7:00-8:30 on Low-Tech, No-Tech Makerspaces. I was so amazed and honored to be listed in this School Library Journal article on "Hot Ticket Sessions" at ISTE 2016. At this session, you get lots of ideas for maker activities requiring little to no technology. If you've got trash (and somehow, schools have tons), you have maker resources.

ISTE Librarians Network Playground [Monday 8:00-11:30 Lobby D]

Next on the agenda is the ISTE Librarians Network Playground. I'm pumped to present on Google Cardboard because who doesn't love VR? I'll be bringing some traditional cardboard viewers and a few of the Viewmaster Viewers. I'll also bring a few freebies I got from random giveaways. My session is at 9:30 and then I'll be posting lots of love from ISTELIB

"Inclusive Library Spaces: Moving Beyond Accommodation" [Monday 2:30-3:30 Room 707]

Next is something I'm super excited for - my interactive lecture on Inclusive Library Spaces. I'm really hoping to stretch the minds of attendees and help librarians and educators rethink their spaces and resources. Too often we focus on the minimum or legal requirements when serving patrons, but we don't do a lot things intentional to make the library more welcoming and inviting to all. This session is held in one of the flexible learning rooms and I'm really going to try and make this as participatory as possible! Come and share your ideas!

Creating a Makerspace in Middle Schools [Wednesday 11:45-12:45, Room 601 Table 2]

Yesterday, Chris Champion asked if I would co-present on starting a makerspace at the secondary level. Not too many details here, but we're going to roll with it and undoubtedly, it will be epic.

I'm also super excited to see all of my friends at Buncee. If you haven't checked out this tool, you need to find them in the exhibit hall. Granted, there are about 300 other companies I'm looking forward to connecting with, but Buncee is a little family of mine and I can't wait to see them all again. 

If you aren't at ISTE, Craig Yen (and probably many others) will be Tweeting every single second on the #notatISTE16 on Twitter. There's also a Google+ community.

Stay tuned for my reflections :)