Hello world,
I have been swamped preparing for several professional development sessions and therefore, haven't given my blog much attention.
One of the PD offerings I gave was through EdWeb. It was part of MackinVIA's Exploring eBooks for K-12 learning community. I had a ton of fun presenting. People from all over the world attended and I learned so much through reading the chat log. If you missed the live webinar, you can view the recording here. There are many more webinars planned as part of this series, the next being "Digital Tools for the Social Studies Classroom". This webinar is presented by the amazing Rachel Langenhorst, a K-12 Technology Integration Specialist and Instruction Coach. This webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, April 21st at 4pm EST.
In addition to the EdWeb webinar, I've also offered a few professional development sessions for my district. If you've ever attended one of Brandon Lutz's 60in60 sessions, they are beyond amazing. Simply put, you learn about 60 tools in 60 minutes. The tools are talked about in depth, but you gain exposure to SO many things in such a short amount of time. These are hard sessions to present. I admire Brandon and his ability to stay on time. I can only manage 30in30's and even then, I tend to go over in time. I offered two sessions - 30in30 Creation Tools for K-5 and 30in30 Creation Tools for 6-12. I'm also planning 30in30 sessions for Assessment, but those aren't quite finished yet (stay tuned..)
Here are the slides from the 30in30 Creation sessions. Hopefully, you can take away at least 1 or 2 tools.